Saturday, March 15, 2025

Corporations and government only beneficiaries of war

| August 22, 2014 3:40 PM

Letter to the Editor:

Under the guise of “making the world safe for democracy” or “spreading freedom throughout the world”, the United States has been involved for more than 100 years in a series of interventions in the affairs of foreign nations. These interventions, whether waging war or providing foreign aid have cost our nation trillions of dollars and the death or maiming of hundreds of thousands of our soldiers, not to mention the millions of innocent victims of these incessant wars. These interventions created vast fortunes for ammunition makers and the bankers who finance them, but have not made the world safe or spread freedom.  Quite the contrary, in fact.

Often our aid goes to nations considered allies that eventually become enemies. Russia was saved from annihilation during World War II by our military aid, but following the war, after winning huge concessions of territory and weapons, became our chief antagonist for decades.

Saddam Hussein was the recipient of much aid when considered an ally, but became an enemy that resulted in our decade-long debacle in Iraq. The Taliban was an ally when Russia attacked Afghanistan, but soon became our enemy involving an even longer conflict.

Time after time, our foreign aid to alleged “allies” buys weapons that enable these nations to wage war. The only ones benefitting from this perpetual chaos and carnage are the corporations making all these weapons and the bankers that finance them with money taken from Americans tax payers.

We, the people, still have the power to end this madness and salvage our country by voting out of office all the pin heads that now occupy our government, but replacements that are honest representatives of the people, dedicated to upholding the Constitution and endowed with common sense seem to be nearly extinct.

The marriage of mega corporations and the government (particularly the military-industrial complex); the ultra liberal press; the unionization of government workers; the lobby industry and the infiltration of Communism into our culture and institutions have brought our nation to the point of ruin.

Will the nation “of, by, and for the people persevere or will it be relegated to the dustbin of history as merely another democracy that flourished briefly and then expired.  

—Bill Payne, Libby