Saturday, March 15, 2025

Police Blotter

| April 22, 2014 3:05 PM

Lincoln County

Sheriff’s Office

April 14

Libby Volunteer Fire Department responded to a large grass fire at Bache’s Dip on Champion Haul Road at about 4 p.m. The fire was headed toward a barn and houses. The U.S. Forest Service fire desk was alerted. A power pole was on fire, and Flathead Electric was called. At about 5 p.m., all fire units were clearing the scene and the fire was turned over to the Forest Service.

A dog bit a child on Farm to Market Road. The owners surrendered the dog to the Sheriff’s Office, and it was turned over to the pound.

There was a report of people throwing rocks at vehicles on Highway 2 at about 7:40 p.m.

Someone reported an intoxicated person who was riding a bike near Firemans Park. Libby Police responded to the scene and transported the person home.

April 15

A man called 911 from the Stateline Bar pay phone to explain that he was en route to Idaho on foot and was concerned about freezing. Dispatch replied that there was not much that could be done to assist him in that direction, but that someone would be available to give him a ride back into Troy. The man said he did not wish to return to Troy or Libby. Dispatch then called Boundary County, Idaho, and advised the authorities of the situation. Dispatch called the man back and told him that Idaho would not help him. So, the man changed his mind and decided he would like a ride back to Troy. The man then began yelling about law enforcement’s obligation to help him and then hung up. Someone went to get him anyway.

Someone called to report a man who had an earlier run-in with Libby Police is highly intoxicated. Although the man had been passed out in a vehicle earlier, he was now awake and randomly knocking on people’s doors in an effort to find drugs. Officers responded and arrested a 50-year-old man, setting bond at $685.

Someone reported two horses and a donkey walking along 2nd Street Extension at about 5:30 a.m.

A man went to the Sheriff’s Office lobby to speak with a deputy about an assault.

An officer was advised that there was “garbage all over the place” on Highway 2 near Kootenai Disposal. Upon further investigation, a woman told officers that her son had made the mess and would be cleaning it up.

A man reported a theft of electricity from his residence on Main Avenue. Libby Police responded and issued a citation.