Saturday, March 15, 2025

Mint I team wins Mixed Pool League

| April 8, 2014 2:40 PM


Mixed Pool

The Mint I team won the winter Mixed Pool League on March 12 with 111 wins, followed closely by the VFW team with 101 wins.

It was a close battle for third place as the American Legion II team overtook the American Legion I team the last night by two games, 79 to 77.

 The Mint II team was close behind in fifth place with 75 wins. Rounding out the final league results included the Lincoln Lanes team with 65 wins in sixth place and the Elk’s team in seventh place with 59 wins.

During the season, there was some fine billiards. Jack Backen made a table run on Dec. 8 for a win for the Elk’s team and Leann Monigold made an 8-ball break on Oct. 30 for a win for Lincoln Lanes team.

The annual tournament was held on March 23 at the Mint, culminating the season with 24 pairs competing. Starting at 10 a.m. and lasting until 4 p.m., play included plenty of fine-shooting skills. Tim Scott made two table runs during the day. About half of the matches needed three games to determine a winner for the bracket.

After five hours of play, the final four pairs were determined. As Scott and Ona Steward, subs on the league, vied against Bill Youso and Chris Smith of the Mint I team with Youso-Smith victorious after three matches.

This sent Youso and Smith to try for first and second and Scott and Smith to try for third and fourth. The next match was between the Kairs, subs on the league, and Butler and O’Brien for the Mint II team. The Kairs won both matches..

Butler and O’Brien were sent to vie against Scott and Steward for third and fourth while the Kairs got a chance at first and second. When Butler and O’Brien competed against Scott and Steward, Scott made a table run to win the third-place spot, leaving Butler and O’Brien with fourth. Youso and Smith then went up against the Kairs for first-place honors and were victorious in two matches, giving second place to the Kairs.

During the day, door prizes were given out to Shane Parris, Leann Monigold, Dean Nelson, Linda Wagner, Bill Youso, Chris Smith, Verton Helmuth and Zetta Thom.

Throughout the tournament several league members stepped up to assist in judging the tables and scorekeeping. The committee deeply appreciates their efforts.

After the third round of the main tournament, Wanda Lightner volunteered to run the Second Chance tournament for those who had lost out in the regular tournament. With eight pairs signed up, they played for three hours to determine who would get first and second. By 5 p.m., Jen McElmurry and Jim Rosterfer of the VFW team had been victorious over Zetta Thom and Verton Helmuth of the VFW team.

In September, the Mixed Pool League will hold it organizational meeting. It is expecting the same teams next year and hoping for others who can gather three men and three women for a team.