Sunday, March 16, 2025

Troy to dig own cemetery burial plots

by Phil Johnson
| September 24, 2013 10:47 AM

Future burial lots in Troy Cemetery will be dug by the city, adding a few dollars to a depleted Cemetery Fund.

During last week’s regular City Council meeting, the board heard from Steve Schnackenberg of Schnackenberg & Nelson Funeral Home to discuss whether the city would need a contract to perform the digging. Schnackenberg said no formal agreement is required since private and municipally owned cemeteries can set rules and regulations in Montana.

Previously, digging was contracted. The city’s first grave was dug last Friday and backfilled Saturday. Mayor Tony Brown came up with the idea.

“I am interested in pushing for greater maintenance of the cemetery,” Brown said. “This will help add some money where there is very little.”

In other City Council business, animal control contracts with Debbie’s Pet Grooming, Kootenai Pets for Life and Lincoln County were all renewed for another year.

The board also saved $4,000 during the next five years by changing their sewer permit from an individual permit to a general permit.

In a move Brown called unprecedented, the Troy Ministerial Alliance presented fruit baskets to every member of the council, Brown, City Clerk Tracy Rebo and City Attorney Heather McDougall. A prayer was said in thanks for the members’ work for the city.