Saturday, March 15, 2025

CARD Rally features 10-foot-tall mega lungs

by Matt Bunk
| October 8, 2013 5:00 PM

Dusti Thompson was watching Dr. Oz on television one day last year when she saw a set of inflatable lungs that were big enough for several adults to fit inside.

Immediately, Thompson knew she just had to bring those lungs to Libby.

“I thought, ‘How cool would it be to have them here?’” said Thompson, the outreach director for the Center for Asbestos Related Disease (CARD) Clinic. “I did some research and made a few phone calls, and, by golly, they’re here.”

The 10-foot-tall mega lungs will be on display as part of the CARD Clinic’s fourth annual Research Rally Oct. 10 at the Memorial Center in Libby. The event will include educational activities, games and prizes, as well as free popcorn, hot dogs and cotton candy for children.

Thirteen stations will be set up with activities and prizes for those who attend.  

Organizers said the goal is to educate children about the respiratory system, while providing a full slate of activities that both young and old can enjoy.

“It’s a carnival-type event, geared mainly toward kids,” Thompson said. “But we don’t care how old you are.”

The event is also a way to raise awareness of lung diseases, including those caused by exposure to asbestos. The CARD Clinic is dedicated to healthcare, outreach and research of asbestos-related diseases.

Laura Linker and Jaime Szeinuk, researchers from Mt. Sinai School of Medicine in New York, will join Dr. Brad Black and the CARD Clinic staff for the one-day event.

The CARD Clinic and Mt. Sinai Medical Center are partners in the Libby Area Epidemiology Research Program, which is funded by the federal government to study the exposure pathways, disease progression and autoimmune disorders associated with Libby amphibole asbestos.

The event will be held from 4 p.m. until 6:30 p.m. There is no charge for admission.