Saturday, March 15, 2025

Police Blotter

| November 15, 2013 11:10 AM

Lincoln County

Sheriff’s Department

Nov. 7

• St. John’s Lutheran Hospital’s Emergency Room reported a man being admitted for a gunshot wound to the leg. Benjamin Jay Basham, 26, and his friend, Domingo Jose Palafox, 23, were driving in Troy when a rifle in the car moved and discharged. Basham was shot in the right leg near the ankle and suffered a serious wound. Palafox drove Basham to the hospital.

Police are investigating the shooting.

• A woman on Blackhawk Lane reported her ex-husband attempting to take items from her residence. Neighbors were trying to stop the man.

• A theft was reported on Pine Valley Drive.

• A man reported his chainsaw stolen from his vehicle parked in front of his residence on Rocky Draw Road.

Nov. 8

• A woman on Bull Lake Road reported being assaulted by her daughter with a metal pipe.

• Antonio Benanzio Rodriguez was arrested and charged on a warrant.

• A man on Fifth Street Extension reported someone shooting a gun, possibly a .22, in his direction.

Nov. 9

• A man on Tamarack Lane reported three firearms missing. He said he was getting older and has care providers.

Nov. 10

• Andrew D. Derrow was arrested on a warrant.

• A caller reported a person shooting explosive targets in the middle of Five-Mile Creek.

• A caller reported neighbors shooting late at night, again.

Nov. 11

• A caller reported neighbor horses on the loose on Parmenter Avenue.

• Austin Arnold was arrested and charged with criminal possession of drug paraphernalia.

• Jordan Beaupre was arrested and charged with probation violation.

Nov. 12

• A caller from Liquor Store  reported a damaged awning. The awning had been struck and it was not an accident.

• An out-of-control boy was arrested at Libby Elementary School and charged with simple assault.

• A caller on East 6th Street reported a large, black shaggy dog running on the highway.

• A caller on Dakota Avenue reported two kids climbing in and out of an upstairs window in their apartment. The kids were climbing onto the mossy roof and the caller feared they would fall.

• A woman reported her wallet stolen from the bathroom in Happy’s Roadhouse Inn.

• Trevon Fairchild was arrested and charged with shoplifting.

• Someone on East Sixth Street reported a pregnant woman using narcotics.

• Hadley Resh was arrested and charged with driving under the influence.

Nov. 13

• A caller on Burr Avenue reported that her backdoor neighbor leaves his Labrador retriever in the garage all day and the dog barks the entire time.

• A man on Fifth Street Extension reported neighbor dogs consistently coming onto his yard and “doing their business.”

• A mother on Pinewood Lane reported her 13-year-old son was out-of-control and tearing up the house. The woman quickly called back and said she had taken control of the situation.