Saturday, March 15, 2025

Local businessman dies in North Dakota head-on collision

by Phil Johnson
| November 15, 2013 11:21 AM

Friends and family are mourning the loss of Brent McCollum, a man remembered for a humorous, adventurous personality and his love for his family.

“He was a hard worker who was a really good dad and grandpa,” Sari Wolff, McCollum’s daughter, said. “He told me and my brother (Karson McCollum) that he loved us everyday. He loved his three grandkids.”

Brent McCollum was a long-time Libby resident before moving to North Dakota in 2010.

In 2012 he started MasseyMcCollum Oil Field Services, for which his son and daughter worked.

Ron Parker, Brent’s brother-in-law, also worked for the business.

“He brought a lot of people from Libby for work,” Parker said. “He was a fun-loving guy who was never intimidated by anything. He was a strong-minded guy.”

Brian Zimmerman first met Brent when they were hired together at Stimson Lumber.

“He was a happy-go-lucky guy and a damn good friend,” Zimmerman said about his hunting buddy. “Brent wanted to be a cowboy and a farmer. He raised pigs and cows. I remember him getting his family’s brand from his grandfather. His children and grandchildren were the world to him.”

Zimmerman said his buddy was always quick with a smile and a laugh.

“I remember a time when he had a big shindig at his place and we were neutering and castrating calves,” Zimmerman said. “He suggested we make Rocky Mountain Oysters. So we got eight of us in a minivan and drove around with a five gallon Tupperware bowl full of the stuff. We handed them out all over Libby.”

Shane Crawford had been friends with Brent since eighth grade in Missoula.

“He could make you feel better about anything,” Crawford said. “I’ve been around 42 years and I have never met another guy like that. He was probably my best friend. The older you grow, the fewer good friends you have. He was one of them. We had some great adventures together, some of them not printable in the paper. I know I am going to miss him for as long as I live.”

McCollum passed away shortly after a Tuesday afternoon head-on accident on Highway 5 near Noonan, N.D. McCollum’s truck collided with a UPS semitrailer. Both McCollum and the UPS driver, Barry Morris, were wearing seatbelts. Morris died on scene as well. The incident remains under investigation.