Saturday, March 15, 2025

President Obama's support for Israel during Mideast trip is questioned

| March 28, 2013 8:45 AM

Letter to the Editor,

An open letter to President Obama, with a copy sent to Prime Mininister Benjamin Netanyahu of Israel:

I have listened to your beautiful words and pronouncements of the United States’ support for Israel, as well as to your understanding of the Israelis’ position. 

Your exquisite speech was stated before a most- receptive young audience of college students.

Missing were the students of the University of Ariel, located in Samaria near Jerusalem. Also not visible were the members of the Knesset, whose invitation to speak before their parliamentary body was rejected by you, Mr. President, before you left the U.S. for Israel.

In the same time frame as your speech, rockets were launched into Israel from Gaza by Hamas terrorists. This firing upon Israeli civilians constitutes a war crime. This should be squarely denounced and Hamas leadership should be held accountable by the international community. America should take the lead in this denunciation and call for action against Hamas.

Imagine the chaos if even one of the rockets hitting Sederot in southern Israel had landed in the same building where you spoke. 

The Hamas rockets provide indisputable evidence of their intent toward Israel. 

Please remember, Mr. President, the conflict is not about the “settlements” in Judea and Samaria or about apartheid or occupation or the borders of a Palestinian state. The conflict is about annihilating Israel and the Jews and the Judeo-Christian values that sustain the freedoms we hold so dear.

The conflict is about the Muslim Brotherhood along with the 57 nations of the Organization of Islamic Cooperation (OIC) whose goal is to establish a return of the seventh century Caliphate – the international, governmental, militaristic, spiritual and religious center of command which those 57 nations would recreate for the final stated purpose of re-establishing militant Islam worldwide.

The Israeli Arab conflict serves the useful purpose of providing a diversion to redirect the world’s attention away from the real threat to Western civilization. Israel should not serve as the scapegoat distraction from the fact that the Koran and Sharia Law dictate the subjugation of all people who do not accept Islam.

Please, Mr. President, do not pressure Israel to become more vulnerable by giving up additional land for mere promises of peace and subsequently compromising Israel’s security.

— Esther Levens,

Coalition for Israel