Saturday, March 15, 2025

Investigate the program 'Life of an Athlete' before approval

| March 16, 2013 8:00 AM

Letter to the Editor,

In regard to Libby High School Assistant Principal Jim Germany’s plan to change the activity policy and incorporate a motivational program (Life of an Athlete) for our athletes, I am asking all school board members to please take a couple of minutes to research this program and what all it entails before going along with what may be presented as a good-sounding idea. 

The program can easily be found online using the key words “Life of an Athlete John Underwood.” 

Our school already has clearly defined rules and consequences for infractions. It sounds like this type of “zero tolerance” policy has the potential to push kids out of sports and maybe even school. Let’s stick with  common-sense approaches to discipline. 

We need school officials who are able to exercise good sound judgment that is consistent with principles of due process and considers the individual student athlete and the particular circumstances of their misconduct.  

Obviously, Jim Germany wants to put this program in place because he believes other persons in authority (parents, police, youth court and the school board) have been providing lax discipline (hence, kids not participating so they can party).

A common-sense approach is what is needed. If Mr. Germany does not possess any common sense then maybe he should find a different line of work.

 — Susan Johnson
