Saturday, March 15, 2025

Former resident is concerned about the tone of Dome article

| March 15, 2013 10:59 AM

Letter to the Editor,

As someone who deals with the management of cultural resources and the preservation of historic properties, I am disappointed by the recent article, “Dome Theater: Under New Ownership” published in The Western News regarding the new ownership of the Libby Dome Theater. 

A few points conveyed in the article, were of particular concern to me as a native of Libby, as well as a person who is actively involved in the betterment of my own community.

Recognizing historic properties is a vital part of insuring that our history stands the test of time; it is admirable that the new owners of the Libby Dome Theater are seeking federal funding from sources such as the Save American Films Association to preserve the theater. However, doing so should not discount the role that past owners played in working to maintain this building as an important part of the community. Like most historic structures, the Dome Theater will continue to require an immense amount of work to maintain. 

Secondly, the negative slant toward the past owner(s) was unnecessary and an unfortunate decision that is unworthy of The Western News. The article should have been an uplifting story that highlighted community activism, but instead creates an atmosphere of negativity and finger-pointing. Furthermore, as many of the previous owners and their families are active members of the current community, the article potentially damages any involvement they may have offered. As mentioned in the article, the theater is being “saved” to allow the community an alternative social activity, as well as provide a venue for other community gatherings. If this is the case, why alienate specific members of the community?

The need for community strength and togetherness in these economic times is essential for cultivating a future we can all look forward to for Libby. A future that includes the past and present lives of the community members and owner(s) involved in creating the Dome Theater, as well as the beautiful personality that is the Dome Theater as a historic building and as a representation of what Libby once was and the legacy that we will leave to future generations.

— Darby Filimoehala 


Honolulu, Hawaii