Saturday, March 15, 2025

Local artist displays work in New York

by Seaborn Larson The Western News
| June 14, 2013 1:01 PM


Jones, Kootenai River No. 2


Jones' home gallery

Troy artist Terrel Jones was honored at the Amsterdam Whitney Gallery’s event, “Salute to the Stars,” on May 9, in Chelsea, a district of New York City.

Several galleries have recognized Jones’ work, but she found the expense and timing conflicting.

Weeks before the event, the Amersterdam Whitney Gallery contacted Jones with an opportunity to exhibit her art as part of the “Candescence of the Stars,” one of four exhibits in the gallery highlighting 14 artists from May 3 to June 4.

Jones said the experience was, “something I’ve always wanted to do, a trip I’ve always wanted to make.”

 The former Troy Spanish and art teacher took her first step into the business of art, signing a contract to display her work at the gallery. As a newcomer to the gallery scene, it was a side of the business Jones found less romantic.

 “One reality is going out and seeing how much art is out there,” Jones said. “And that can almost be stifling. You almost have to turn a blind eye to it,”

 The contract with the Amsterdam gallery required an upfront payment to display her art, a reality check for a fledgling artist.

“Nothing comes for free,” Jones said of the experience.

Initially, reaching out to galleries was difficult, Jones said. Communicating with galleries became easier and more streamlined once Jones updated her website and began utilizing the Internet as a vehicle to present her work, especially to the right people.

“If you choose not to do anything the chances of anything happening for you almost next to none. Gone are the days of art agents,” she said.

Jones gained valuable experience from the event, and cherished her daughters’ attendance, as well as appreciation by several enthusiasts in the New York art community.

Jones has received a few contacts since the event, from other galleries in New York. For the time being, she has turned all offers down.

 “I met a lot of artists from different countries,” Jones said, “and that led me to start doing more research on galleries and become aware of how much of a business it is.”

Jones’ art can be found around the local community, including the Real Art Works gallery in Troy and the Double J Bed & Breakfast of Troy.

Additional pieces have made their way to California, Washington, D.C., and Ireland.

 “What’s really important was the overall experience and the generalized exposure,” Jones said.