Saturday, March 15, 2025

Troy archery event ends in a shootout

| July 12, 2013 2:21 PM

The Troy Archery Club held its first 3-D shoot of the year the weekend of June 22 and 23, and it ended in a shootout.

During the two-day event more than 100 archers participated in the event. The event consisted of two 20-target courses, which had to be shot both days to compete for trophies. There are many different classifications based on type of equipment, age and sex.

There was great competition Saturday afternoon on the money dot shot. By the end of the day, two archers had hit the dot which was the size of a large bottle cap from a distance of 94 yards. Damon Severson and Ryan Farrens, both from Moyie Springs, Idaho, participated in a three-arrow shootout. Farrens won the shootout on the last shot, winning the pot. The total spread for all six arrows was less than five inches.

Breakfast was available for a small fee as well as lunch, snacks and cold drinks. 

Free primitive camping was provided during the match at the Troy shooting facility for no fee.

All the archers in the event, which included many families, said that they had a good time and enjoyed the set-up of the targets. 

Many said they were looking forward to the next 3-D shoot, which will take place July 27 and 28. Again, the event will consist of two 20-target courses, and it is open to all archers to participate either one day or both.

On Saturday, Aug. 10, the Troy Archery Club will be holding a one-day broadhead event. This event is intended to help archers get ready for hunting season, and will be a fun event with no trophies. The first-place winners in the following classes were: 

Freestyle Men

Damon Severson


Jona Peltier


 Shannon Rowberry


Matt Tucker

Free Style Limited

Mike Caudill. 

Traditional Men

Pete Weatherford


Jean Weatherford

Open Mens

Ryan Farrens


Hailey Timlick 


Aidan Wilcox.