Saturday, March 15, 2025

Strategic Plan is a road map steering district's direction

If you have been to a recent School Board meeting, you have heard about and, possibly, picked up a copy of the district’s Strategic Plan. This plan was developed in 2012 by committees comprised of board members, parents, community members and school staff with the goal of developing a road map for the district for the next five years.

The board chose to focus on five areas:  curriculum and technology, parent and community engagement, employee excellence, wellness and facilities and grounds.  Each area has a far-reaching goal with sub-goals and an action plan to attain the goal.  

For instance, the ultimate goal for curriculum and technology is that all students will graduate from the Libby School District prepared for post-secondary education or ready to enter the workforce.  Sub-goals address:

• Proficiency in reading, math and science;

• Integration of technology throughout the curriculum;

• Increasing student readiness for post-secondary education;

• Striving for a 100 percent graduation rate; and

• Promoting innovation and creativity

Each of the five areas is designed in this same way.  You can see the entire Strategic Plan on the district website or pick up the plan at the district office or at a board meeting.  

The Board reviews and gets updates on the plan frequently.  Committees have been developed to address the goals and activities for each area and the public is welcome to attend these committee meetings.  

Meeting dates and times are posted on the door of Central School or the district web site.  Why not jump in and see what is going on in your school district?

(Ellen Johnston is chairwoman of the Libby School District Board of Trustees.)