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Police Blotter Jan. 8 - Jan. 15

| January 28, 2013 5:24 PM

Libby Justice Court Reports

Dec. 14

• Joshua J. Peterson was cited by Montana Highway Patrol for driving 80 mph in a 60 mph zone. He was fined $50.

Jan. 5

• Sonja Acton was sentenced to 15 days in jail for operating a vehicle with expired registration and her third incident of failing to carry insurance. 

Jan. 8

• Jeremy Townsend was cited by LCSD for throwing lighted material out of his vehicle. He was fined $500.

Jan. 9

• Corey Willis was cited by LCSD for operating a vehicle with expired registration. He was fined $50.

• Lonnie W. Stehr was cited by Lincoln County Sheriff’s Department for driving without a valid driver’s license. He was fined $200.

Jan. 18

• Johnny Hoover was cited by LCSD for driving a vehicle. 

Lincoln County Sheriff’s Department

Jan. 8

• Caller reported he had been losing chickens, he wanted Animal Control to look for a cat he suspected was doing it.

• Caller at St. John’s Hospital reported receiving several threatening calls.

• Caller at Belvue Trailer Court reported being threatened by a male with a hand gun.

• Caller on Highway 2 advised her neighbor was eavesdropping on her conversations.

• Caller on Doak Creek Road wanted to report a strange incident on Jan. 5 where a person knocked on her window at 2 a.m.

• On Highway 2, a broken-down vehicle was reported. The driver was seen walking toward town and was not dressed for the weather.

Jan. 9

• People were in the middle of the highway near Ace Hardware. They were told to stay off the road.

• Caller in 1000 block of Louisiana reported a large tree just blew down in his yard and possibly snapped some power lines.

• A man came into the lobby to turn himself in for a commitment order. No other information provided.

• Caller on Cherry Creek Bluff Road reported a possible fraud out of Colorado.

• Sherri Lynn Windsor was arrested on probation violation.

• Harlow’s Bus Services called to report a black lab was loose and aggressive.

• Caller reported credit card fraud.

• A caller on Nevada reported seven inches of slush in her driveway. She was concerned if it froze she would be trapped in.

• Caller on Vicks Drive reported his neighbor had a rotting deer hanging in his backyard. It had been there since before Thanksgiving.

• Caller reported a suspicious vehicle pulling in and out of the street on Mt. Snowy Drive. 

• Caller wanted to report a possible sex crime. His sister-in-law brought a 15-year old boy in his house for “intimate purposes.” 

• Debbie Cecilia Reynolds, 58, was arrested on charges of a DUI.

Jan. 10

• Caller on Commerce Way wanted to report her ex- for stealing her daughter’s long board.

• Tan Chevy pickup was traveling at a high rate of speed, weaving in and out of traffic on Highway 2 heading south.

• House on Piney Road in Troy had been broken into.

• An elderly man slid off the road on Pipe Creek Road.

• Male with extremely high blood pressure called an ambulance to Tamarack Lane.

• Slide-off at the top of Whiskey Hill on Highway 2.

• Caller advised that Bowen Hill was extremely slick.

• Another slide off in Highway 2 near Arabian Lane.

• Caller in 1400 block of Idaho reported his stereo had been stolen from his vehicle.

• Caller reported a suspicious Ford Explorer cruising through the McGrade School parking lot several times.

• Caller reported someone shining flashlights in his neighbor’s residence on Paul Bunyan Lane.

Jan. 11

• Caller in Troy wanted to report a stolen laptop.

• Same black lab was running around near Fifth Street Extension.

• Mahoney Road resident reported the theft of her phone and abuse.

• Caller on Highway 2 reported his pickup had been towed off some property, and he didn’t know who the owner of the property was to go talk to. 

• A red Kia was reported on the road, caller felt it posed a safety hazard.

• Caller on Halo Court asked for a restraining order due to past abuse she had suffered. 

• Wesley McKee was arrested on probation violation.

• Caller on Vaughn Lane reported someone stole her purse out of her vehicle.

• Caller in 600 block of California reported a man refused to leave the property. He was picked up and dropped off at the Venture Inn.

• Caller was trying to make contact with the women’s shelter and no one was picking up. They were concerned.

• Caretaker reported four days worth of methadone was stolen from a residence on Granite Creek Road.

• Caller on Warland Heights Road wanted to speak to an officer after finding evidence her adult son was doing drugs.

Jan. 12

• A theft was reported at First Interstate Bank in Eureka.

• Caller on Timber Lane reported her daughter’s boyfriend had stolen her medication.

Jan. 13

• Caller on Park Street reported a suspicious man was in her house. She scared him off.

• Caller advised his wife had left the Pastime Bar and was walking home. She was not prepared for the weather. 

• Caller on Pioneer Road called to report an injured turkey with an arrow through its neck. 

• Same caller on Pioneer Road reported an altercation with an angry hunter.

• Caller on Highway 2 reported their neighbor throwing what they thought were homemade bombs over the fence.

• Caller found a snowboard at Skidale Hill.

• Caller reported her husband was going crazy at the Wheatgrass Motel and threatened to kill her.

• Caller on Smith Road reported possible credit card fraud.

Jan. 14

• A sick dog at the new hospital site was making wailing noises.

• Caller reported a struck deer on Highway 56. He said it needed to be removed and put down.

• Lincoln County reported a sex crime. The individual in question failed to register as an offender. 

• Someone on Lewis Loop stuck a threatening letter in a caller’s mailbox. 

• Black lab wandering loose on Nevada Avenue.

Jan. 15

• Caller on Cabinet Avenue wanted to report her 15-year-old daughter with her 19-year-old boyfriend.

• Caller on Conifer Road reported two suspicious males that came to her door.

• Subject came in for a three-day commitment.

• Caller at McGrade Family Services reported a man’s son was having a severe asthma attack. The security guard went out to check on the man and child.