Saturday, March 15, 2025

Scotchman Peaks hike series under way

| January 15, 2013 11:47 AM

Friends of Scotchman Peaks Wilderness has big plans for its eighth annual winter hike series, an even dozen chances to get out into the beautiful landscape of the proposed wilderness on the Montana/Idaho border east of Sandpoint. 

From easy travels on snow-covered roads to gnarly ascents of some of the Scotchmans’ iconic peaks, the FSPW hike series has something for almost all levels of winter travelers. 

The season began recently with an easy to moderate walk along Lightning Creek to Regal Creek. 

Included in the winter series are hikes that are the field components of classes on tracking and winter ecology. The classes are led by wildlife biologist and researcher Brian Baxter, who has 36 years of experience in many different aspects of outdoor research and teaching. 

Baxter, who also leads classes for the Glacier Institute, will lead a winter ecology class on Feb. 23. Classroom components are held at the Heron Community Center in Heron, Mont., 40 miles east of Sandpoint.

A moderate level hike to a stunningly beautiful place is the snowshoe hike to Ross Creek Cedars slated for Feb 8. 

Persons wanting a strenuous outing with great views and a summit as your reward, try the Star Peak snowshoe/ski on March 30.

“We try to put hikes out there that a whole variety of people can enjoy,” said FSPW Program Coordinator Sandy Compton. “Winter is an incredibly different time to be in the woods and on the mountains.Things quiet down and that white blanket on the world completely changes the view and the experience.”

To learn more about the FSPW hike series, write to or visit the hiking page at