Saturday, March 15, 2025

Faraday Browning is New Year's baby

| January 11, 2013 3:23 PM

Libby had to wait until Jan. 4 for the first baby of 2013 to be born, but it came with much fanfare as St. John’s Lutheran Hospital welcomed Faraday Browning, daughter of Michelle Bryant.  

Faraday made her entrance at 11 a.m., weighing in at 8.8 pounds., and measuring 20.2 inches long.  

Dr. Anne Camber of St. John’s Physicians and Surgeons Group was the attending physician, and Jada Schnetter was the delivery nurse.

“We think that all of our births are exciting here at St. John’s, and we look forward to each one, but there is something very special about the first baby of each year, and the way the whole community awaits the arrival,” Schnetter said. 

The New Year’s baby is celebrated throughout the community. Along with St. John’s Lutheran Hospital, which provided the new little girl with a highchair, an Ergo Baby child carrier with infant insert and teething pads and a baby afghan.Other businesses joined in the celebration.  

Glacier Bank provided a Visa gift card, the Northwest Community Health Center donated a baby bouncer and Libby Clinic purchased a pack and play for Faraday. To top it off, Town Pump donated a giant stuffed polar bear.

Faraday is one of approximately 100 babies delivered annually at St. John’s.  

“We pride ourselves in our obstetric services,” added Schnetter.  “We offer our moms the best possible care including state-of-the-art birthing equipment, trained and certified OB nurses, a jacuzzi tub for relaxation, and newborn-care instruction; all of the services new parents should expect for their delivery.  We are thrilled that so many families entrust us with their care during such an exciting time in their lives, and we offer the kind of care and compassion that sends our new families home confident in the care they received, and in their impending parenthood.” 

For more information about the birthing facilities at St. John’s or for a tour, please call Kate Stephens at 283-7141 or visit the SJLH website at