Saturday, March 15, 2025

St. John's Hospital should be more understanding of local couple's rights

| January 9, 2013 1:00 PM

Letter to the Editor,

I am dismayed by the cavalier tone of corporate responses to Jan and Bill Dirkes’ concerns.  

Despite the fact that the hospital construction is taking place practically in their back yard, Swank Enterprises and the administration of St. John’s Hospital implied that the Dirkeses really had nothing important to complain about.  

Indeed, it was suggested that their complaints were selfish compared to the supposedly huge benefit a fancy brand new hospital would provide for the city of Libby.  

It was implied that they should be more than willing to put up with the noise, mud, compromised air quality, restricted access to their home and city street destruction.  

Why should they even be bothered by construction commotion beginning before 6 a.m?  

What don’t they understand about bigger is better?  Certainly, a noise ordinance shouldn’t apply to a big, civic-minded corporation like Swank. After all, what’s good for St. John’s is good for all of us.  

Maybe Mr. Brunner’s construction crews should do everyone a favor and move the Dirkeses to a motel for the duration. There they would be out of sight, out of mind.  And, like the many construction workers who were hired from out of town, they would be contributing to the local economy.

I sincerely hope that this obvious lack of respect for individual hardship is not reflected in the management character of a bigger, better, St. John’s. Heaven help any of us who would dare complain about the services provided therein. 

— Roberta McCanse
