Saturday, March 15, 2025

President Obama's communist agenda is philosophically changing our country

| January 6, 2013 11:27 AM

Letter to the Editor,

Barack Obama, by using executive orders, is trying to run the country and install his communist agenda by decree and our wimpy Congress and Supreme Court is doing little to stop him. 

Twenty years ago, this grab for power may have resulted in his being impeached, but today, half our population view him as a messiah. This clearly demonstrates the dramatic transformation in ideology for the American people since our nation’s founding. 

We’ve gone from a fiercely independent, self- reliant and freedom-loving people to one that embraces the idea of a government that determines our actions, our beliefs and our destiny. We’ve become little more than slaves to our masters, the government.

One of the main elements in this transformation, I believe, is the extent by which the federal government has taken over the management of public education (a role that used to be performed by state and local government). 

Gone is the emphasis on individual self-reliance and responsibility that I was steeped in as a child. In the years since I went to school, the lessons of history, freedom, patriotism and honored traditions in school curriculum have been modified to conform to the theories of communism. 

Our children today are instructed in the benefits of communism and the promise of peace and prosperity with world organizations like the United Nations. 

The benefits of freedom are downgraded or ignored altogether. It has to be a supreme irony that our text books were being rewritten to reflect this promotion of communism even as we were supposedly fighting this scourge all over the world.

— Bill Payne
