Saturday, March 15, 2025

Why another eagle? What about raising funds to save the movie theater?

| January 5, 2013 11:27 AM

Letter to the Editor,

It is my understanding that there is an effort to pay to have another eagle made.

How many eagles do we need? There are much more important issues that need to be addressed.

For one thing, we are in danger of the theater closing due to everything going digital, which they cannot afford to pay for the equipment which will be $70,000. It’s not only our town but Troy and Thompson Falls, too.

It’s bad enough already that the young people don’t have many choices to go to for entertainment. 

Some kids do not even know what a drive-in is. Is our future generation not even going to know what a theater is?

What are the young people supposed to do if going on a date. Wait, I know, they can go see the big eagle or maybe hang out with other young people in the woods and build a fire.

Do we want our children to have to drive almost 200 miles to see a movie, especially in the winter with the road conditions? 

By the way who is paying for this eagle? The people living in the city? What if we don’t want it.

Don’t we get a say? I thought this was the city of loggers not eagles.

— Debbie Carter
