Saturday, March 15, 2025

It's not an asbestos park; veterans should have their statue

| January 5, 2013 5:00 PM

Letter to the Editor,

In response to Krista Roll’s letter in the Dec. 18 issue, I am a veteran and also a person who worked at the Zonolite Mine for 20-plus years.  

I do not ever recall any mention of the park being called The Libby Asbestos Victims Memorial Park. 

In fact, its pavilion is named for Mayor Fred Brown.  

The park was created by the use of the EPA Fund, which was given by W.R. Grace.  I believe it was intended to be the Libby peoples’ park.

However, what did the asbestos victims do to be honored?  They worked and played in and with asbestos to earn a living. Nobody forced them to.  To me, this is not something to be honored.

Also by placing a veteran’s memorial in the park, just as it should be, you are honoring all past and present veterans who served their country.  I feel that is something to be proud of.

— Alfred V. Pennock

Senior Master Sgt.  USAF (Retired)
