Saturday, December 28, 2024

Use your voice to get behind Fair Tax HR 25

| December 27, 2013 10:05 AM

Letter to the Editor,

Fair Tax HR 25, a well-researched consumption-based tax code, grows America’s economy, and more importantly, restores liberty by ending the IRS. For 10 years Dave Camp and the House Ways and Means Committee have known about Fair Tax HR 25. Testimony before House Ways and Means provides irrefutable research demonstrating Fair Tax HR 25 superiority over the income tax and flat tax. Testimony is available at

Within one year of passage, real GDP grows 8 percent, job growth 12 percent, investment 75 percent and wages 10 percent. With 73 co-sponsors and sound research, why aren’t the members of the House Ways and Means Committee vigorously promoting Fair Tax HR 25?

Power, money and influence. No one wants to kill the IRS golden goose.

While the income tax exists, the powerful will use IRS to stay in power. (See “The Political Economy of the IRS,” and Schweizer’s Extortion to understand IRS power.) Neither the IRS nor the income tax can be ‘fixed’ since an oversight board appointed by the president would be foxes protecting chickens.

As long as Congress can tax income, it will do so with increasing vengeance knowing most Americans have neither the knowledge of their personal tax burden nor adequate information about Fair Tax HR 25.

Fair Tax HR 25 allows you to see exactly how much taxes you pay. Call Camp at 202-225-3561. Demand support for Fair Tax HR 25.

— Bev Martin