Saturday, March 15, 2025

It's time to wake up, America: We must return to our Constitution

| December 20, 2013 10:34 AM

Letter to the Editor,

We are embracing a system of government in America today that is contrary to what was intended by the Founding Fathers in the Declaration of Independence and the United States Constitution.  

No Marxism collective form of government is in our interest.

We need to go back to the principles that made our nation special, back to our foundation and the building blocks upon which this nation was founded.

We do not need any new ideas, new principles, new laws or new amendments.  All we need is what’s already on the books; I am referring to the Declaration of Independence (the organic law of America), and the U.S. Constitution.

The ideals that were formulated in these documents are the foundation for our nation. Politicians from both major parties have abandoned these ideals and show no respect for the Constitution, even though they took an oath to support the Constitution.  

There is nothing on the horizon being offered by either party to restore America and get us back on the right track.

Our nation has lost its way.  Our problems are becoming deeper with debt.  The burden of debt is as destructive to freedom as subjugation by conquest.

America started out on a spiritual foundation; it did not start from a political base. We need to return to this spiritual foundation and bring God back into the picture.

It’s wake up time, America, while we still can. If America goes down, it won’t be the fault of the Declaration of Independence or the Constitution of the United States of America; it will be because “We the people” failed to do our part in protecting and defending the Constitution so the Constitution can protect and defend us.  

Listen, people, to what George Washington said about the Constitution: “its only keepers, the people.” It’s our responsibility. So help us God!”

— Tony Kimberlin
