Saturday, March 15, 2025

School board to seek planning grant for LES ductless heating

by Alan Lewis Gerstenecker
| August 23, 2013 4:28 PM

Libby School Board members on Monday unanimously agreed to pursue a $25,000 planning grant that will study the feasibility of adding ductless heating units to Libby Elementary School.

Another possibility for review was the construction of a districtwide cafeteria that would have provided breakfast and lunchtime meals for both Libby School District campuses.

However, the board was unanimous in its decision to pursue the grant for ductless heating and air-conditioning at Libby Elementary School. They rejected the proposal for the kitchen.

“For the long haul, I think the heaters are the way to go,” said Board Member Amy Fantozzi. 

Board Member Melissa LaGoy echoed the sentiment.

“I’d be in favor of the heating and air-conditioning system,” LaGoy said.

Superintendent K.W. Maki reminded board members the district’s expenses for school meals, even after reimbursements, has been growing.

“We were $68,000 in the red last year,” Maki said.

Maki has until Sept. 6 to complete the grant application, which would supply money for the study to Jakola Engineering and Architecture in Kalispell. 

“The elementary school is our most-efficient (energy) building in the district,” said Maki, who said the current electrical system would be retained for extreme weather conditions.

Maki said he will wait for the results of the Jakola study, but he anticipated one ductless unit for every two classrooms.

Maki indicated if the payoff in efficiency is too drawn out, the granters may not approve it.

“I’m thinking one unit for every two or three rooms,” Maki said. “I don’t know that it would pay for itself on a one-unit to classroom basis.”

On another matter, the board approved a 2 percent rate increase for vendors who supply food to the district. Vendors include Kootenai Catering, Henry’s Restaurant and Sunshine Catering.

The added expense amounts to $7,560 annually for the district. The board agreed to absord the costs and not pass it along to the students.

“We want to get as many children as possible to eat,” Maki said.