Saturday, March 15, 2025

Grateful for growth of the community garden

| August 16, 2013 11:10 AM

Letter to the Editor,

I am writing for the members of the Libby Area Community Garden Club to express our thanks for all the support and generous donations from the Libby area businesses and fellow gardening enthusiasts. You are awesome.

 We have come a long way on our garden in one short year, but we are not finished yet.  We have been able to get a great start on the paid member side of the garden this season with plans for the community raised beds going in next season. We will also be adding more 4x8-foot member beds in the coming year.  You plant it, tend it, harvest your bounty and have the added benefit of the camaraderie of your fellow garden enthusiasts.

 Next season, the community beds will be planted and with some sweat equity in the planting, weeding and caring for these gardens, you could share in the bounty too.

 If you aren’t a current gardener and would be interested in learning how to grow your own great-tasting organic food, we would be happy to offer help to get you started and learn the process.

 We have plans to start some fun events in the very near future. Watch for our scheduled events and if any interest you, please join us at the garden. We are currently working on a faerie garden. We welcome the entire population to come for a stroll through our garden and help us become a sustainable, positive force in our town.

 We are in need of a storage building to hold our gardening stuff. If you know of an old, unused building we might repair for that purpose, we would be extremely grateful. We would also welcome help to assemble the raised beds so it is ready to plant in the spring. You can contact me at 293-7091 and leave a message or stop by the garden.

 Again, thanks to all our benefactors for your moral and financial support. We love the positive feedback we’ve received and plan to live up to it. Thanks also to Kirby Maki for having faith in us and our dream.

 See you at the garden.

 — Marilyn Irwin

Community Garden Club