Saturday, March 15, 2025

Common Core can stymie intellectual growth

| April 13, 2013 12:10 PM

Letter to the Editor,

Here we are again following in Germany’s footsteps. It seemed impossible when it was first presented 50 to 60 years ago. It is coming to pass. Common Core is paving the way.  The invasion of education, take-over of our children,and loss of parental rights marches ruthlessly on.

 Mastery Learning, Outcome-Based Education, School to work, No Child Left Behind and now Common Core are all carefully planned and deliberately initiated national education programs.  Did I miss any?  

All have been directed at the single objective: dumbing down, leading to control of the children, brain-washing, behavior modification with the objective of developing a passive, easily manipulated population.  The children that suffer the most are the highly talented ones with exceptional minds who are being medicated to get them under control.  

Frustrations of energetic, mentally active young people with high but defeated aspirations, lead to anger and even criminal behavior.  A higher and higher percentage of our population is committed to penal and mental institutions.  Our government is driving us all nuts. 

There has been much written on this subject over the years, but unfortunately too much has fallen on deaf ears through disbelief and lack of comprehension.  Our society is experiencing the consequences.  

 — Clarice Ryan
