Sunday, March 16, 2025

There are many benefits to smoke-free moms

| April 2, 2013 10:28 AM

Letter to the Editor

The Montana Tobacco Quit Line now offers a special program just for pregnant women. The program is free and confidential.  

It is a proven way to quit successfully. Some of the immediate benefits of quitting smoking during pregnancy and staying smoke-free after the baby is born include a lower chance of premature birth, higher chance baby will be healthy enough to go home the same time mom does, fewer upper respiratory and ear infections. 

Long term, stopping tobacco use will lessen the chances for heart and lung disease significantly, as well as other related diseases. Smoke-free moms benefit by having more energy and being able to breathe easier. The Quit Line will provide ongoing support with up to nine calls during pregnancy and after delivery.  

Callers will receive their own personal quit coach who has received advanced training on helping pregnant women quit using tobacco.  

 Free nicotine replacement therapies will be available with prescription from their medical provider.  They will receive a small reward card for each completed call.  Call 800-784-8669 to begin this program.

— Micki Carvey

Lincoln County Nurse