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Police Blotter: Aug. 24 - Sept. 7

| September 19, 2012 11:24 AM

Aug. 24

• Caller reported a large party with drugs and underage individuals on Lewis Loop.

Aug. 25

• Cody Schmidt arrested on charges of probation violation.

• Male threatened two city workers near Lake Creek Hydro Dam for going on his property.

• Katherine Bradley was arrested on charges of disorderly conduct for allegedly causing a disturbance at an establishment in 900 block of Mineral.

• A wood stove was reported stolen from Little Joe’s Trailer Court.

• Kellen White was arrested at the Lincoln County Fairgrounds on an outstanding warrant.

• Minor in possession at Lincoln County Fairgrounds.

• Caller reported a fight in progress in front of St. John’s Lutheran Hospital. A red jeep was involved and a female may have broken her ankle.

Aug. 26

• Paul Lewis Ekstedt was arrested on charges of forgery, he turned himself in.

• Dump-truck driver on Rabbit O’Brien Creek road heard four large caliber rifle shots while he was working. When he returned to his truck, he found the four slugs embedded in the truck’s seat.

• Caller reported a disturbance in the parking lot of Empire Foods. There was shoving and Jeffrey Adamson, 33, was arrested on possession of a switchblade. 

Aug. 27

• Caller in 2100 block of Farm to Market Road reported she was missing two horses.

• Caller in 17000 block of Bull Lake Road reported marijuana plants being grown on her father’s property.

• Tyler Osborne was arrested in Troy on charges of criminal contempt.

• Minor in possession at Rosauers.

• Caller on Spencer Road reported being unable to wake her son up. He was transported to emergency room.

• Caller and husband were assaulted with a weapon while on Kilbrennan Lake Road.

• Caller reported she was bitten by a dog in 500 block of Park Street.

• Individual was burning something off Granite Avenue and Dawson. He put it out when deputy asked him.

• Caller in 500 block of Fourth Street reported someone in her room when she came home.

• One Stop Tattoo Shop reported burglary.

Aug. 28

• Caller on Highway 2 reported strange noises. It was a pack of coyotes that had a deer. 

• Family disturbance on Conifer Road over alleged infidelity.

• Female called to report a black dog lying on Highway 37 bridge.

• Caller reported an elderly man with a metal detector at the cemetery. It was actually a city worker with a weed whacker.

• Driver of red Jeep was swerving all over Highway on the way to Rosauers.

• Caller on Granite Creek Road reported a stolen ring and was concerned it had been pawned.

• Caller on West Spruce Street reported that his neighbors’ dogs bark nonstop.

• Arrest was made on First Avenue for criminal endangerment.

Aug. 29

• Caller reported his neighbor’s boarded up house on Main street had been broken into again.

• Dead fawn reported on Farm to Market Road.

• Caller reported a group of adults smoking marijuana on Kootenai River Road.

• Caller reported a male harassing her.

• Someone was firing a weapon on East Side Road.

Aug. 30

• Caller in 1500 block of Cabinet Avenue reported someone had slashed all his tires.

• Caller in 800 block of Commerce Way reported someone had broken into his vehicle last night.

• Caller on Highway 2 reported someone had broken into his shed.

• Shots were fired near Yellowtail Road, caller was concerned.

• Possible rabid dog on Mahoney Road.

• Kenneth Rayome Jr. was arrested on charges of partner assault.

Aug 31

• Scott Kurtis Bunker, 23, was arrested on a Drunk and Disorderly at the Pastime Bar.

• Cameron Williams, Faith Vandelden and Jeremiah Stevens were arrested on drug charges on River Road.

• Tina Hubbard was arrested in 500 block of 10th street on felony theft charges.

Sept. 1

• Minors in possession at mile marker 38 on Highway 2.

Sept. 2

• Shots were fired on Cedar Meadow Road, shooter then took off toward Troy. 

• Runaway was picked up in Whitefish. 

Sept. 3

• Michael Roby arrested on an outstanding warrant.

Sept. 4 

• John Hoy was in the jail lobby to have his ankle bracelet off and serve time.

• Caller on Pine Creek Road heard an engine and had an altercation with a man trespassing on her property. 

• Caller reported bashed in mailboxes on West Kootenai Road.

• Karen Delores Cherry and Steven Arthur Pace turned themselves in on several drug charges for which they had outstanding warrants.

• Jared Allen White was arrested for operating a vehicle without insurance.

• Several bales of hay were stolen from a barn on Log Cabin Road in Troy.

• Two arrests made of white males on charges of assault on Doble Drive.

Sept. 5

• Caller on 1200 block of Nevada Avenue reported seeing a black bear that may have been getting into trash cans.

• Caller reported being threatened at Ace Hardware by another female.

• Caller in 30800 block of Highway 2 reported seeing a grizzly bear in her yard.

• Anonymous caller reported a yellow Dodge Ram headed into town from 5th street. Driver appeared to be firing a weapon out the window.

• Caller reported a stolen bike at Bache Road and Hammer Cutoff.

• Baby bear reported running on Lewis Loop, caller was concerned mother might be in the area.

• Clerk from Saverite reported a driver who had just purchased gas was highly intoxicated. Philip Lacer Jamasson, 33, arrested on DUI charge.

Sept. 7

• Erico Alfredo Romero was stopped for a broken tail light and then arrested on DUI charge.

• Older gentlemen was reported walking up Fisher River Road with a small girl covered in dirt.

• Break in reported in 1100 block of Montana Avenue.

• Caller reported a white police car in front of her house. She was suspicious and wanted to check it out.

• Caller advised he was just assaulted in 200 block of Three Corner Road.

• Caller in 600 block of Wisconsin reported her ex-husband wouldn’t return her children.

• Caller reported people in possession of dangerous drugs and paraphernalia on Yaak Avenue in Troy.