Saturday, September 07, 2024

Shoppers flock to new store

by Alan Lewis Gerstenecker
| September 18, 2012 10:16 AM

The lengthy line of eager shoppers formed long before the doors opened was a scene reminiscent of those Black Friday sales.

By 8:15 a.m. — 45 minutes before the doors opened — those early birds exited their cars to secure their place in line.

By 8:45 a.m., District Shopko Manager Susan Boche stepped up to the podium and welcomed shoppers.

“I wanted to go to Montana, so I volunteered for Phase 3 to come to Libby to open this store,” said Boche of Minnesota. “This is one of 30 stores in Phase 3 we are opening today.”

Boche then introduced Libby High School Principal Rik Rewerts, who she presented with an oversize check for $2,500.

Rewerts thanked Boche and Shopko for the donation and then stressed the need for the retailer in Libby.

Following Boche at the podium was Marion Craig, the local store manager, who has served Libby for 22 years while with Pamida.

“We’re very excited about the brand names Shopko is bringing to Libby,” said Craig, who admitted she shops locally.

“I’m just excited for us, for all of Libby,” she said.

Craig then introduced Mayor Doug Roll who expressed thanks for keeping the Libby store open when other Pamida stores were closed.

Also taking the podium was Chamber of Commerce President Wayde Block, who spoke briefly about Shopko’s role in the community.

Boche, the district manager from Minnesota, surveyed the reception shoppers received when entering the store.

“I guess we’re doing OK,” she said. “The shopping carts were all gone in the first four minutes.”

Shopko gave the first 100 in line a coupon for a $10 discount off purchases.

However, Craig, the store manager, said reduced prices would continue during the three-day Grand Opening sale.