Saturday, December 28, 2024

Work along Highway 2 is a waste of tax funds, reader says

| October 16, 2012 11:47 AM

Letter to the Editor,

The most obvious and glaring example of the misuses and waste of government stimulus money is available for any rational person to both see and feel when using the new driveway turnouts along U.S. Highway 2 at Libby.

Our benefit of decades of engineering advancement in place since highway reconstruction in 1980, was removed and replaced in 2010 with a design similar to that commonly used in the 1930s.

Our current benefits include the violent whip-lash, the rapid structural decimation of our vehicles, the frequent vehicle front-end realignment or related tire replacement and the danger of collision with other vehicles when slowing down before impact with the driveway entrance.

This is a government work fiasco.

Vehicle occupants can find a petition at most Libby and Troy businesses.

— Lynn Walker
