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Police Blotter: Sept. 21 - Sept. 27

| October 16, 2012 11:49 AM

Lincoln County

Sheriff’s Department

Sept. 21

• Caller on Frazey Loop reported a deer that might have broken its neck but was still alive.

• Flathead County called to confirm a warrant and extradition on William Berreth. He was located and transported.

• Caller alerted Troy dispatch that she would like to talk to an officer about her ex-husband having her juvenile daughter in Troy and would like to press charges regarding possible sexual activity at the residence.

• Jacob Dempewolf was arrested for a probation violation.

• Customer at First Montana Bank reported money stolen from her purse.

• Caller reported a domestic disturbance in the Park Apartments.

• Suspicious activity was reported near Dairy Queen.

Sept. 22

• An aggravated assault was reported at a residence on Colorado Avenue.

• Caller reported a deer struck by a car but still alive at the Fifth Street exit.

• Someone struck and killed a coyote near the Ultra Classic Car Wash.

• Two stray dogs, a black lab and a small shepherd were reported on Dolphin Way.

• Possible sex crime reported, deputies transported one adult and one juvenile female. 

• Minor in possession caught in Libby.

• A suspicious woman wearing white was attempting to enter Henry’s Café with several bulky packages.

Sept. 23

•  Caller was concerned for her daughter living with caller’s ex-husband and he did not have a reliable home address.

•  Caller from California reporter her uncle, a Libby resident was harassing and threatening her on the phone.

• Caller on Lake Creek Road reported a bear in their yard.

• Caller on Highway 37 reported a bear in her garage rummaging around and tore her door down.

• Martin Evans was arrested near the gold panning area on Granite Creek on an outstanding warrant.

• A resident of Pearl Street heard individuals and at least four gunshots behind his house.

Sept. 24

• Lisa Kay Garcia came to the sheriff’s lobby on a warrant.

• Jeremy Jamin Rogers was arrested on a commitment order.

• Tedi Rose Miller turned herself in on a warrant.

• Female reported a black pit-bull along Highway 2 on Whiskey Hill.

• A young deer was hit on Farm to Market Road and needed to be put down.

• Caller reported his daughter’s vehicle had been written on with permanent marker on Commerce Way.

• Several females were harassing caller’s wife, trying to make her fight.

Sept. 25

• Caller on East Cedar reported a bear nosing about in her garbage.

• Caller reported a break-in to a shop along Highway 37.

• Caller on Poplar reported a caller with a heavy accent trying to get caller to sign up for a medical card.

• BNSF reported cattle on both sides of track.

• Female turned in a black lab running on Highway 2.

• Caller reported a tall man in a red shirt walking a small brown and white dog beating it near Empire Foods.

• A moose was shot and killed behind Howard Lake. An ATV rider found the carcass. 

• Children were missing from Libby High School after football practice.

• Injured deer reported across from Shopko.

Sept. 26

• Caller’s dog wandered down Flower Creek and returned with a wound.

• Caller on Glendora reported a dead deer in the neighboring lot, was hoping someone could remove it.

• Deer hit but still alive on Highway 2 near mile marker 11.

• 17-year-old customer at the Montana Athletic Club became irate and took off on foot. Parents couldn’t be reached.

• Caller on Fast Lane reported a bear in yard, up a tree.

Sept. 27

• Christal Kunze arrested for a probation violation.

• Driver hit a deer and injured it across from Bear’s on Highway 2.

• Caller was upset no one had responded to his initial call of an injured deer across from Aitkens Quick Stop. He wanted an officer to come put it down.

• Caller on Honeysuckle Lane reported receiving a fraudulent call from a heavily accented person requesting she wire $750 to a location in Wisconsin.

• Fraudulent phone call reported that they had all of caller’s banking information.

• An elderly Washington couple crashed their car while en route to see the Boulder City ghost town and were stranded overnight on the other side of the Kootenai River. It happened right on the border, so Idaho and Montana law-enforcement agencies weren’t sure who would respond. They were found unhurt.

• An owl appeared to be injured at the Granite Creek Bridge.

• Stolen tires reported from a Libby business.

• Wounded deer reported on Highway 2 near mile marker 42.

• Suspicious vehicle was reported at the alternative school.