Sunday, March 16, 2025

Sports In Brief

| October 2, 2012 12:49 PM


<p>Sophomore defensive back Breanna Opland dives in an attempt to break up Hailey Purdy's shot on goal Tuesday vs. C-Falls.</p>


<p>Junior midfielder Alfredo Ruiz Pellegrin</p>


<p>Jake Reny first half header vs. Columbia Falls</p>


<p>Borderline struggle between C-Falls' Lindsay Strouse left, and Libby's senior defensive back Erin Rogers.</p>


<p>Columbia Falls' Chase Ramberg competes with Jason Schnackenberg for a header in second half.</p>


<p>Senior striker Elly Webster</p>

Cross country…

Travelled to Thompson Falls to compete in a 3-mile regional and raced in blazing heat and smoke from wildfires. Every team there ran slower than expected, but even so, Libby runners were able to persevere. 

Colin Maloney won the combined middle school race with a time of 12:29. Annie Berget, Emily Mossberg and Jillian Hawthorn finished No. 5, 7 and 10 in the girls middle school race.

Cody Barrick and Billy Topaz ran 20:26 and 22:26 and Krysten Mossburg finished 18th with a time of 23:10.

Girls Soccer…

Struggled with Columbia Falls, falling 5-0.

When compared to the last meeting between the two teams, a 9-0 loss for the Lady Loggers, improvement is clear. Only one goal was scored in the second half and two came in the first 15 minutes, before the girls picked their heads up and made the Wildkats earn their goals.

Breanna Opland and Becca Kyriss were two players who let C-Falls know they weren’t to be pushed around anymore. Things got…chippy. No cards were issued, but fouls were called on both teams.

Playoffs hinge on the Polson game for the 2-5-2 Lady Loggers.

Boys Soccer…

Didn’t hurt for opportunities in a 2-2 draw with Columbia Falls.

Freshman Zander Peterson scored early on an open-goal situation, and Jason Schnackenberg set up an assist to Johnny Davidson to take a 2-1 lead into the half.

C-Falls would equalize, souring the day for the Loggers.

If Libby had won, it would have been in control of its own destiny. Instead, the Loggers must receive help.

Libby must beat Polson, and if Polson or Bigfork beats Columbia Falls, Libby gets into playoffs. 

The scenarios for what happens are subject to change depending on the upcoming conference games.