Saturday, December 28, 2024

Reader supports Extension Service office and its programs

| October 2, 2012 12:40 PM

Letter to the Editor,

As a concerned voter of this county, I was very shocked to hear that two of our commissioners are wanting to do away with our Extension Office. 

This would be devastating to our county.  This office provided many venues to the people of this County, such as research-based knowledge to strengthen the social, economic, and environmental well-being of Montana families, communities, and agricultural enterprises.  

They’re responsible for programs and services to help address societal needs in the general areas of agriculture, family living, community and economic development and youth development.  

One of the best-known programs in youth development is 4-H.  

Eureka has always had a strong working club with family, local residents and businesses.  Troy has been building a strong club with their families, local residents and businesses and I know that Libby will do the same when given a chance. 

The 4-H Youth Development Organization provides valuable academic, leadership, and life skills and recreate opportunities of youth to take on challenging responsibilities in community service projects and more.  

These projects are made up of three types of activities:  1) Hands-On Activities; making, producing, selling, practicing, observing, etc.  2) Organized Activities; demonstrations, speeches, workshops, camps, county judging, project activities, exhibits, etc. 3) Leadership/Citizenship Activities; conducting, planning, teaching, assisting, informing, organizing, etc.  

There are more than 100 different projects that are available with this organization. So you see there is much more to this organization than just raising animals.  And THIS is something that you are wanting to take away from our kids in this county?  

Shame on you.

I know for a fact that the Troy 4-H club had taken on Troy’s annual Christmas Bazaar when the Boy Scouts had disbanded. 

This is something that many of our folks look forward to selling their crafts to those who are looking for unique items to give to their family and friends.  

Everyone looks forward to this every year.  I heard nothing but positive feed back of how great it was to work with these kids by the vendors. This is one of many types of chain reactions you will create by closing down this Extension Office that will devastate this area.  

The money has already been allotted for this Extension Office so leave it alone and let it continue its business in providing the voters and their children of Lincoln County the service they are there for. 

— Francine Ninneman
