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Police Blotter: Sept. 7 - Sept. 17

| October 2, 2012 12:48 PM

Lincoln County

Sheriff’s Department

Sept. 7

• Report of dangerous drug use in Troy on Yaak Avenue near the dumpsters.

Sept. 8

• Sunshine Lara Thill was arrested on charges of DUI.

• Injured deer laying in someone’s yard along Highway 37.

• Caller on Champion Haul Road reported a deer had broken its back on her fence. Her husband had put it down, but they did not want the meat to go to waste. Contacts to the Libby Food Pantry failed.

• Two dead deer found in a few days along Education Way. Caller wondered whether someone was poisoning them. 

• Laura L. Cox was arrested on an outstanding warrant along Bull Lake Road.

• Caller advised an injured fawn was on Farm to Market Road.

• Two white female adults apprehended at Empire Foods for shoplifting, one escaped on foot.

• Caller in 500 block of Vanderwood Road reported a bear in their front yard.

Sept. 9

• Some teenage shenanigans near Fireman’s Park. Officer sent to investigate.

• Caller reported a large bear in his apple trees along Airfield Road.

• Clerk at Saverite South called to report a man walking out without paying. He came back in and paid.

• Caller in 200 block of Crossway Avenue reported an injured deer.

• Caller in 600 block of Dakota Avenue reported her house was broken into earlier in the day.

Sept. 10

•  Caller on Whitetail Road reported his wife took 28 Xanaxes and couldn’t get a hold of her. She was escorted to the hospital.

• Caller on Farm to Market Road reported suspicious activity in the area. Fires had been started.

• Caller on Agather Road reported someone had built a shelter on his property.

• Burglary reported on Spencer Hill Avenue.

• Restraining order violated by male on Louisiana Avenue.

Sept. 11

• Business representative on Drumlin Lane reported its front door had been kicked in.

• Morrison Elementary called Troy P.D. for a case of possible child abuse.

• Caller reported seeing two dogs tied together and in pain on Balsam Road.

• Caller on Pinewood Lane reported her husband was throwing items and punching the walls.

Sept. 12

• Caller reported her upstairs neighbor was trying to break up with her boyfriend, and he was blocking the driveway, refusing to leave.

• Caller on Highwood Drive reported a black bear nosing about in his neighbor’s garage.

• Two horses were reported gallivanting around on Crest Street.

• An inmate was tearing up detention property at Lincoln County Detention Center.

• A water pump was reported stolen from a water tanker on Steep Creek area.

• Caller in Troy reported someone had run over two turkeys and wanted them taken care of.

• There was a verbal family disturbance at the Plaza Apartment Complex.

• Caller reported possible fraud after receiving a call from a male who wants her to meet him at the credit union to wire money.

• A 7-year-old autistic girl had run away from school. She was found shortly after.

• Rosauers called to request an officer for two shoplifters.

• Caller reported what looked like a very sick cat in front of her house on Drydock Lane.

• Theft reported at West Kootenai Reservoir. 

Sept. 13

• A man wanted to speak with a deputy about his son possibly being abused.

• Caller received a call from a male in Mexico telling her that her grandson was in jail and needed to be wired money. She knew it was a scam, but wanted to report it.

• Caller wanted to report their iPhone stolen from the locker room at Libby High School.

• There was a family disturbance on Garden Road.

• Big bear reported on Nevada Avenue.

Sept. 14

• Caller reported someone trying to break into her vehicle on Farm to Market Road. 

• Caller reported hearing her neighbors on Ave. B fighting and feared it might turn violent.

• A chainsaw was reported stolen from the back of a US Forest Service truck parked at Twinkle Welding.

• Caller wanted to make a harassment report. Had already approached the subject’s probation officer about the matter.

• Caller had parked his trailer on a friend’s property on Bull Lake Road. When he went to get the trailer, he noticed the refrigerator inside was missing and in his friend’s house.

Sept. 15

• Caller reported a dog that had wandered into his yard, it seemed to be blind and not well taken care of.

• Caller on Conifer Road reported a stolen chainsaw that had then been pawned.

• Caller reported possible drug activity on 3 Corner Road.

• Suspicious person reported on Riverview Drive.

• Neighbor’s dog on Forest Drive barks nonstop, said caller. He had made contact yet nothing changes.

• Suspicious vehicle behind McGrade School.

• Family assault reported at Creekside Trailer Park.

• Caller on Avenue B reported neighbors having a large party with lots of yelling and screaming.

Sept. 16

• Caller advised a black lab with collar and tags came into his yard on Cottonwood Lane.

Sept. 17

• Female called and reported a domestic cat had been hit at the bottom of Whiskey Hill. Was hit but still alive, wanted someone to respond.

• Caller wanted to file a complaint against the mine next to her house for the dust it kicks up on Cedar Creek Road.

• Jacob Robert Olsen was arrested on charges of an outstanding warrant.

• Caller on Opal Drive reported someone had shot her cat.

• Caller wanted to report someone coming by and threatening him.

• Robert Duane Greenizer was arrested on a warrant.

• Caller on Harding Ranch Road reported a male harassing her in person and by phone.

• A young female came in to report repeated phone calls from a female who wants to pick up belongings from her house. 

She has nothing to come get, however.