Saturday, March 15, 2025

Scotchman Peaks sponsors biologist

| November 20, 2012 3:34 PM

The Friends of Scotchman Peaks Wilderness group is hosting a special evening with a retired biologist on Friday, Nov. 30.

Outdoors enthusiasts should mark their calendars for 6 p.m. Friday, Nov. 30, and come to the VFW at 114 W. 2nd St. in Libby.  

The event will begin with social time with foods and then enjoy a presentation at 7 p.m. by retired Montana Fish Wildlife and Parks biologist Jerry Brown. 

Attendees will be hard-pressed to find anyone who knows more about the land in this area than Brown.  

Brown has been in the area since 1971. He will share his expertise and stories about his career. 

The program he will present is one he has done in the past about animal population assessments, particularly using aerial methods.  

During his years with FWP, Brown studied and advised locally, regionally and even internationally on moose, bear, mountain lions and particularly mountain goats, whose continued existence in the Scotchman Peaks as well as the Cabinet Mountains Wilderness can be credited in great part to his dedication.

 “I originally put this program together to take to Argentina when I went there to talk about mountain lion populations,” Brown said. 

“It’s about when and where and how to do assessment. There are good times and bad times. It explores windows of opportunity in the science of wildlife surveys, but it’s also informational and educational and fun.”