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Orr, Olsen allege bias

| May 29, 2012 3:30 PM

Initially, it was former City Councilman D.C. Orr who alleged bias by the City Council against newly elected Council member Allen Olsen.

Then, when The Western News caught up with Olsen late last week at his business, Olsen was asked whether he concurred with Orr’s allegations made during last week’s City Council meeting. Olsen answered with one word before elaborating.


“D.C. Orr is 100 percent correct,” Olsen said at his business Friday afternoon.

“I have been left out of committee meetings. Things are done that I don’t know about, decisions made without my input,” Olsen said.

“I understand I’m supposed to be put on the Sidewalks Committee, but I haven’t been yet. No e-mails about meetings. Nothing,” he said.

Orr, who was replaced on the Council by Olsen, admitted during last Monday’s meeting he is an Olsen supporter.

“I voted for him,” said Orr, addressing the board during a three-minute comment session from members of the audience. Orr still is a regular attendee at City Council meetings.

During the most recent municipal election, three City Council seats were up for re-election, those of Peggy Williams, Bill Bischoff and Orr. Williams and Bischoff retained their seats on the board. Olsen ousted Orr by just five votes after the tallies were recounted.

“We’re finding Allen Olsen is being left out of Council business,” Orr alleged. 

Orr spoke of city leaders discussing an $11,000 sprinkler contract without including Olsen, a sprinkler-system contractor.

“Frankly, that raises red flags. (I ask that the Council) be a little more transparent in its dealings,” Orr said.

For his part, Olsen seems baffled why he has not be included in committee meetings.

“I was voted to serve, and, frankly, I don’t feel like I’m earning the $334 I receive each month,” Olsen said. “I’ve got something to say, but it seems they don’t want to hear it,” Olsen said.

On Monday, Mayor Doug Roll was asked about Olsen’s role on the City Council committees and whether Olsen was deliberately being left off committees.

“Yep, and he probably won’t be (added),” Roll said. “Having D.C. talk for Allen is like having a having a father stand up for a son. If Olsen has a problem, he should step up and talk to the Council himself.”

Roll said the separation between Olsen and the Council is not ideology, but rather geography.

“It has to do with Olsen’s residency,” Roll said. “He rented a home in town, but he does not live there. We know he lives there (at Antler Tree Nursery). We feel he is not legitmate. I’m going to be stubborn on this issue.”

Upon hearing Roll’s comment, Olsen said he was taken back.

“This has been my home for a year and a half,” Olsen said. “What does he want, a note from my landlord or to see my rental checks?”

Olsen is renting a home at 703 Louisiana.

Olsen said a failed heating system in the home during the winter did cause water pipes to burst, but he contends that has been his residence.

“It is where I live. People see me trimming the trees and cutting the grass. That’s my residence,” Olsen said.