Saturday, March 15, 2025

School Board drafts five-year plan

by The Western News
| March 30, 2012 11:51 AM

Libby Schools Superintendent K.W. Maki is expected to recommend at the April board meeting approval of a new five-year Strategic Plan for District 4 Schools that will steer education for the next generation.

The “Strategic Planning Goals, 2012 to 2017,” takes a comprehensive look at five areas for development: Curriculum and Technology; Parent and Community Engagement; Employee Excellence; Wellness and Facilities and Grounds.

“Basically, those are my marching orders,” Maki said of the document that was given to board members.

The process began months ago as each board member was assigned to a committee that consisted of educators and concerned citizens. Two board members, Lee Disney and Bruce Sickler, were assigned to the Facilities and Grounds committee.

The result of those committees is the comprehensive document that board members will receive later this month and act upon next.

“The board will get a further look at the document and then we’ll do some fine-tuning,” Maki said Monday at the March board meeting.

Each development area is outlined to state goals, strategies to attain those goals and then tentative dates within the five-year plan to complete those goals.

For example, in the Curriculum and Technology goal area, the district will integrate technology not only at the high school, but at the preschool levels as well. 

Another goal is to increase STEM curriculum, which is science, technology, engineering and mathematics studies to make Libby students more marketable on the world stage.

Each goal stated plans of action to accomplish the advancements, which, in the end, will be the acid test.

In the Parent and Community Engagement division, there are such goals as improving teacher to parent — and vice versa — communication. One goal of an e-newsletter to parents already is under way through the efforts of Parent Liaison Kathleen Sheffield and Vista Volunteer Sindy Filler.

A plan for professional development is an integral part of the Employee Excellence category, via such means as staff evaluation and instructionals to improve teaching through positive behavior.

The Wellness category deals primarily with the breakfast and lunch program as the schools. Along those lines, there will be an effort to offer more nutritional meals, including more fruits and vegetables.

However, the wellness program does not stop there, involving physical activities and stress-reducing methods not only to the PE classes but to other curriculum as well.

This plan also continues and enhances the efforts to eliminate bullying in all grades.

The Facilities and Grounds category includes methods of short- and long-term maintenance plans, a long-term improvement plan and long-range school usage plan, which may ultimately look at new buildings.

The board is expected to act on the plan at its April 9 board meeting.