Saturday, March 15, 2025

DEQ accepting comments on Noble quarry expansion

by The Western News
| March 29, 2012 10:57 AM

The Montana Department of Environmental Quality (DEQ) is accepting public comments on an application by Noble Excavating, Inc. for an operating permit under the Metal Mine Reclamation Act. 

The operating permit would authorize the quarrying of rock at the Nickelback Quarry located on private land approximately 2.5 miles northwest of Libby in Lincoln County.

The operating permit would cover a total of 165 acres. About 85 acres would be disturbed over the next 20 years and about 150 acres would be disturbed during the life of the mine, which is estimated to be about 80 years. 

Ground disturbance would range up to approximately 150 feet in depth. 

Noble would use heavy equipment to remove the metamorphic rock (mostly argillite) and gravel. Blasting would be required about twice a year, according to the permit application.

The rock could be used to produce gravel, asphalt, fill, and riprap.     

The request from Noble, a Libby resident, is currently operating at the site under a Small Miner Exclusion Statement. 

Noble must obtain an operating permit because it proposes to disturb more than the five acres allowed under the Small Miner’s Exclusion Statement.

The DEQ has prepared a draft expanded Checklist Environmental Assessment to analyze the potential environmental impacts of the proposed operation. 

Copies of the draft CEA can be obtained at DEQ offices at 1520 E. 6th Ave., in Helena. 

The draft CEA also is posted on the DEQ Website at 

Comments on the draft CEA must be submitted to the DEQ by next Friday, March 30.

Comments or requests for additional information on the proposed operation should be directed to Herb Rolfes, Operating Permit Section Supervisor, DEQ Environmental Management Bureau, P.O. Box 200901, Helena, Mont., 59620-0901, phone 406 444-3841 or e-mail at