Saturday, March 15, 2025

Reader advocates citizen representatives

| March 16, 2012 11:33 AM

Letter to the Editor,

This country is broke.

More than $15 trillion in debt and the Democrats think they can spend our way out of the financial mess we are in.

The Republicans pretend they are against that by offering a plan for more spending with slightly less deficit.

The same incumbents that got us in this situation are re-elected every two years. When will the insanity end?

GOOOH.Com has a system for selecting candidates to the House of Representatives that are pledged to stop this madness.

Citizen representatives who are not bought by special-interest money or big party agenda and will support term limits. 2012 is a critical election year.

If we wait any longer, it may be too late to recover from the massive spending and over-regulation. Help fire the current Congress and return our government to the Constitutional Republic it once was. —

— Roy T Newsom,

Granbury, Texas