Saturday, March 15, 2025

Program aids veterans' job search

| March 15, 2012 1:47 PM

Montana Conservation Corps (, is seeking veterans for its Veterans Green Corps, a summer job skills training program that combines public land conservation, technical training, and education.

Participants gain the necessary skills to pursue careers in wildfire and forestry management while transitioning to civilian life by leveraging their leadership experience, strong work ethic and team approach to meet conservation needs on public lands.

“I can’t recommend the MCC highly enough for new veterans, especially those recently returned from AOR deployments. The mix of remote living in a stateside setting provides an excellent re-integration into civilian life,” said Steve Kokal, 2011 MCC Veterans Green Corps participant.

Veterans Green Corps will be based out of Billings and Helena with project work on the Charles M. Russell Wildlife Refuge and the Bridger Teton National Forest in Montana, and the Medicine Bow-Routt National Forest in southern Wyoming and northern Colorado.

The entire project is focused on fuels reduction so an interest in using chainsaws and crosscut saws is essential.

Participants receive an AmeriCorps living stipend and upon completion of the program, an AmeriCorps education award to pursue education opportunities and technical training.

Two sessions are offered: late May – August and August to October. Interested veterans are encouraged to contact Tauzha Grantham at Montana Conservation Corps by phone: 406-651-1311 or email: More information and applications are available online at