Saturday, March 15, 2025

Grateful for ski course, volunteers

| March 9, 2012 11:26 AM

Letter to the Editor,

As the last weeks of winter slide by, a big thank you is due to all our community servants who are maintaining the cross-country ski course at Flower Creek.

What an asset this is to the Libby area!

With all the belt-tightening economically, the x-country ski area offers an awesome winter activity that, to the users, is accessible, beautiful and free.

To be sure, everything does have a cost. The true cost of maintaining the Flower Creek course is paid in commitment, muscle and time by the x/country ski club members.

It would be impossible to include all those whose efforts we applaud; but certainly, we’re including: Gary Crismon, Jim Wardensky, Ralph Taylor, Mark Mason, Greg Rice, to name a few.

In addition, Susie Rice with the communications and John Jeresek with the Forest Service cooperation.

In the last month, our family entertained company from Fort Myers, Fla.,

The young man had never before romped in the snow. But not only did he get the fun and exercise, he got a taste of a rural community effort at its best.

So, to each of you working club members, named and unnamed, we appreciate all the early hours, the cold fingers, the time taken away from other pursuits. A hearty thank you for all you do!

— Christie Kehn
