Saturday, March 15, 2025

Stretch of river closes to anglers

by The Western News
| March 1, 2012 3:10 PM

Kootenai River anglers whose preference it is to frequent the waters below Libby Dam to the Highway 37 Bridge will have to wait longer than a month during this year’s trout spawn, according to new guidelines released by Fish Wildlife and Parks.

Beginning today — Feb. 29 — the approximately three miles of the Kootenai River from the Dam to the bridge will be closed to anglers until May 31.

Previously, the stretch of the river was closed only for one month.

“The additional two months is to protect spawning habitat,” said Phil Kilbreath, Montana game warden, on Thursday.

“We’re trying to protect trophy fish in that area,” he said.

Mike Hensley, a fisheries management biologist with the DNRC, explained the decision to extend the closure.

“It is about the spawn, but it’s more than that, too,” Hensley said.

Because water coming from the dam is both cooler in the summer and warmer in the winter, trout now have an extended spawning and growing periods.

“Instead of spawning for just a month, it’s longer,” Henseley said.

“We’re also trying to protect the species. We’ve been told anglers want more trophy fish. This will help allow that.”

There also be new length requirements.

Anglers will be permitted one trout daily possession, and that fish must be at least 28 inches long.

Kilbreath also said there will be no taking of bull trout.

“Those must returned immediately,” he said.

Incidental taking of a bull trout must be released immediately, “ he said.