Saturday, March 15, 2025

Reader asks County Commissioners save Cabinet View FSA

| June 15, 2012 12:51 PM

Letter to the Editor,

On the subject of Cabinet View Fire Department,

I have been following this subject and have attended their awareness breakfast, when the controversy first started.

At the meeting, I suggested that a county fire service committee be formed, consisting of equal members from each fire service areas board, each having equal standing. 

This committee would have authority to solve disputes by simple majority vote. 

“One member One vote.”

I find it unacceptable that public official’s i.e. Sheriff’s Department, dispatchers, Lincoln County Commissioners would wantedly let someone suffer, or God forbid, die because the closest emergency personnel were not dispatched. 

Cabinet View Fire Department, as others, have qualified, certified EMTs. 

I ask this question? Would you be able to live with yourself when the doctor says if only help arrived sooner this person would have lived. 

Impaired breathing, shallow or no heartbeat, severe bleeding won’t wait for far-away responders. 

I want the quickest help possible, should I or my family need it. 

I said at the first meeting in 2011 that firemen and responders are brothers and sisters in boots. 

Don’t let egos destroy your great organizations. 

Commissioners, support all emergency services, not just part of them. 

You are elected to serve ALL the people. DO IT.

— Mitchell Jackson
