Saturday, March 15, 2025

Police Blotter: June 3 - June 8

| June 13, 2012 7:49 PM

June 3

• Caller from Anaconda loaned two weapons to an individual in Troy 1.5 years ago. He didn’t wish to press charges but wanted the weapons back.

• Caller complained that there were seven to eight dogs in J. Neils Memorial Park in the soccer field where it is posted no dogs.

June 5

• Darwyne Cady was brought in on a warrant in Troy and delivered to Flathead County Jail.

• Caller reported that his girlfriend had been drinking and was out of control at an apartment on Park Street. She was transported to her home on Bowker Street.

• A driver with an expired Montana license was arrested for possession of drug paraphernalia on Commerce Way. Vehicle will be impounded.

• A man cashed a bad check at Rosauers and left town.

• A man on a bike was weaving in and out of traffic on Highway 2 south of Bears Truck Stop.

• Craig Alan Barrows was arrested on a probation violation.

June 6

• Caller concerned about a suspicious person in Lucky Lil’s. Male described at 5-foot-6 to 5-foot-7,   short dark hair, wearing a dark gray shirt over blue jeans. Was escorted to train station.

• Paul Michael Quintana and Nikki Mae Gribble Johnson were arrested on charges of child abuse for leaving two sleeping children in a car while they gambled in the Lucky Logger.

• Fish and Game received a report of a deer stuck in a fence at Libby Airport. Was gone on arrival.

• Laura Louisa Glover arrested in Ventura, Calif. on an outstanding warrant. Contact was made with the grandmother arranging for return of children.

• Fish and Game received a report of a caller taking in a young fawn that was walking down Flower Creek Road.

June 7

• Fish and Game received a report of a big-horn sheep on Kootenai River Road by the sharp corners that seemed unable to get up.

• Caller received a bill in the mail they thought was a scam.

• Fish and Game received a report about a baby moose running in and out of traffic on Highway 2 and Stimson.

• Caller reported intimidation from door-to-door salespeople on Cabinet Heights Road.

• Caller reported receiving a threatening phone call at the Kootenai Business Park they felt was work-related and recognized the voice.

• Caller complained about the neighbors’ animals getting into her strawberries and rhubarb on Fish Hatchery Road.

• Caller reported someone siphoned gas out of his vehicle on Vicks Drive.

• Caller on West Larch Drive advised that her neighbor saw prowlers in her yard.

• Man turned himself into Lincoln County Sheriff’s Office on Committee commitment order.

• Caller on Michigan Avenue reported that door-to-door salespeople are becoming a nuisance.

• Caller on Crazy Moose Crossing reporting harassment from door-to-door salespeople who were arguing with her husband because he doesn’t want to purchase their products. Subjects have advised officers they will be moving on to Boise.

• Caller reported that neighbors on Ninth Street were harassing and threatening him.

June 8

• Arrest made on Jackson Lane for the criminal sale of dangerous drugs.

• Caller found a bag of pot on Cedar Hill Creek Road and reported it.