Saturday, December 28, 2024

Character assassination sidesteps the real issue, reader says

| June 7, 2012 3:01 PM

Letter to the Editor,

Bullying in schools is an issue of concern; bullying, intimidation and outright lies by adult leadership doesn’t seem to be. 

I have heard the character assassination of volunteers in our community and in checking out some of these rumors have found them to be false or such “twisted truth” that they were lies.  

What bothers me is why anyone would feel the need to destroy another’s credentials and character. What happened to personal integrity, and working together instead of destroying each other?    

In the past I have found that anyone who attacks character instead of laying out the issues usually has something to hide.  What is interesting is who is hiding documented information and who is sharing facts?  

Why are public documents such a secret?  Apparently, unfounded accusations, threats, and intimidation by adult leadership are easier to come by.  

If everyone told the truth, lawyers, judges, and courts would not be needed.  Getting to the truth is not always easy.  

For children it is often the fear of getting into bigger trouble that causes them to lie about what they have done.  My guess is that it is the same for adults. 

Anything based on non-truth begins to crumble and more is piled on trying to hold it together.  Sooner or later it will fall apart.  

I am thankful for a local newspaper with an editor who must spend much time in meetings, from all the articles I have read.  He is willing to present all sides and let the issues and people’s words speak for themselves.  

I thank the founding fathers who put freedom of the press and freedom of speech on the highest level of rights.

Let the people speak, let the press print it, and let the truth be made known.

— Janet Miller
