Saturday, March 15, 2025

Residents dedicate park monument

by Alan Lewis Gerstenecker Editor
| June 6, 2012 4:55 PM


<p>Chuck Baker rides the "flag trailer" early Monday morning placing flags into their standards along Mineral and California Avenues.</p>


Memorial Troy Cemetery


<p>Roosevelt Park Memorial</p>


Memorial Libby Group


Memorial Libby Guard


Memorial Libby Taps

A monument “honoring all those who served” was dedicated at Troy’s Roosevelt Park on Memorial Day, culminating the efforts of hundreds who sought to see it to fruition.

The project, which includes a 50-foot aluminum flag pole, a concrete pad, three red, white and blue benches and a seven-foot tall memorial plaque, culminates the quest intitiated when John Brown was mayor.

“It started when I was mayor, back in about 2000 to 2005,” Brown said Tuesday. 

“This completes Phases 1 and 2 for about $15,000. We’re planning Phases 3 and 4, which could include a walkway, with a wall with names or names in the walkway. It hasn’t been decided yet.”

Brown was quick to point out the efforts of groups that contributed to the effort, including the Veterans of Foreign Wars Post 5514, Parks and Recreation Department, Troy VFW Junior Girls, Troy VFW Auxiliary, Troy American Legion Post 139, Heather McDougall, the Bill Byske family and the Troy Methodist Church.

Brown thanked those who contributed and mentioned Phases 3 and 4 would be as soon as possible.

“It all depends on the money,” Brown said. “When the money becomes available, we do the other phases.”

Brown said people wanting to contribute may do so by sending donations to: Troy Community Project;John Brown, Chariman;  PO Box 355; Troy, Montana, 59935.

“We appreciate any help we can get,” Brown said.