Saturday, March 15, 2025

32 THS students receive diplomas

by Alan Lewis Gerstenecker Editor
| June 5, 2012 8:50 PM


<p>With her tassel positioned to left of her mortar board Hannah Tallmadge gives the thumbs-up sign during Sunday's graduation ceremony at Troy's Activity Center.</p>


<p>Troy High School's 2012 graduate, Zachary Clark-Hill, adjusts his rose after the conclusion of ceremonies Sunday evening at the Activity Center.</p>

It was a ceremony, the 2012 graduating class of Troy High School will remember for their lifetimes,  keynote speaker and guidance counselor Kelly Palmer told the 32 who “passed on to their next life” on Sunday at the Troy Activity Center.

Palmer, who said he would not try to match the humor of Jim Dasios’ speech last year, compared graduation to other “ceremonies” these new grads would come to experience during their lives.

Palmer began his presentation with a moment of silence, since “this is Memorial Day Sunday.”

Palmer called graduation a traditional ceremony, one of many, like funerals where best clothes are worn, tears will be shed and people “move on to the next life.”

Palmer also offered some guidance, after all, he is a counselor who leads. 

“Use common sense. Do not go into debt beyond the norm, like a mortgage. Save some money. Treat people nicely. Learn to be cool in your own skin. It’s better to forgive than be right, and if you’re looking for a helping hand, look to the one at the end of your arm,” Palmer concluded.

Troy High School Jacob Francom began the ceremony with the Presentation of Awards and urged students to live by the ABCs of life — Attitude, Believe and Courgage.

Francom remindes graduates to have a positive attitude, believe in themselves and what they can accomplish with that positive attitude and to have courage as they began their new lives beyond high school.

After addresses by valedictorian Justin Randall and Emily Anderson, the graduates — men in red with white sashes and the women in white with red sashes — stepped up on to the stage to applause when their names were read.

The new grads were greeted by Francom, Superintendent Dan Wendt, School Board member Allison Lundin and Melinda Taylor-Thompson as they received their diplomas.

Before exiting the stage, after they moved their tassel from the right to the left of their mortarboard, graduates were greeted with another round of applause.

Flower girls Maura Miller and Justice Garcia offered all graduates either a white or maroon rose as they returned to their seats.