Saturday, March 15, 2025

Resident thinks park sprinkler cost is too much, questions panel thinking

| July 20, 2012 11:40 AM

Letter to the Editor,

In response to the Park Sprinkler Pact granted piece in the Friday, July 6, 2012, issue. Imagine my surprise and thorough disgust at the waste allowed at the recommendation of a City Council member to overspend on a project without giving a thought to the needs of the community, in essence putting “beauty” over responsibility to the community. 

It has been my understanding that the responsibility of the City Council is to help, improve, and be held responsible to the community not to bankrupt us on more silly projects that will drain resources without replenishing them or spending excessive amounts of money and then subsequently taxing the citizens to cover costs. 

The bid accepted (or in essence forced upon us) was for $25,513 by Jack’s Water Works and a lower bid of $10,500 was given by Big Sky Sprinklers as I understand it – the City Council doesn’t seem to think it important to inform the people of their actions any more – was poor judgment and huge waste. 

People are no longer ignorant and know that more expensive does not always mean better! 

If there was concern over the lower bid, a more appropriate and responsible idea would have been to have included a 10- or 20-year contracted warranty by the city to the winning bidder to insure the work, resulting in lower cost. 

The City Council could have saved the taxpayers more of their hard-earned money by not spending the excess money in the first place – we have no place for spend then tax economics. 

I would like to know where all this money is coming from to build and subsequently maintain this “lovely” park. 

I know for certain that it is not coming from the council members’ personal wallets. I also know that I will be opting out of the “parks and recreation fees” when I renew my tags – what a waste!

I would like to thank Allen Olsen and D.C. Orr for standing up for the people on every issue including the park issues. I have more respect for Allen Olsen and D.C. Orr than I will ever have for Doug Roll stemming from the first time I went to a City Council meeting with Doug Roll in the seat where I observed Mr. Roll roll his eyes a few times as citizens made statements – talk about blatant disregard and disrespect for the citizens who may have voted for him. 

Mr. Roll, we put your butt in that seat, and we can move your butt right out of it! 

You might take a few lessons from Olsen and Orr who both took their positions seriously, listened to the people’s comments and complaints (without rolling their eyes in disrespect), tried to work with everyone to get things done, made sure that the people knew what was going on all of the time, as well as giving the people the opportunity that is their right to speak on every issue no matter their personal opinions. 

We already have infants running and ruining our country; we certainly do not need infants running and ruining our community.

Angered Tax Paying Citizen.

— Jamie Newman
