Saturday, March 15, 2025

Twenty-seven cyclists enjoy the inaugural Gran Fondo

by Shanda Jennings Chamber Executive Director
| July 12, 2012 11:36 AM

It was the inaugural Gran Fondo Bike Ride on June 30 and July 1 and judging from the reaction of the 27 riders, most plan on returning next year.

The ride started at the Chamber of Commerce office at 11 a.m. Saturday, as organizer John Weyhrich — of Missoula — starting the ride off. 

Cyclists rode through Libby being escorted by Bruce and Tracy Drury, of Libby to the Haul Road. They then rode north on the Fisher River Road and crossed the bridge to travel north on the FDR Road heading to Eureka. 

Cyclists spent the night in Eureka and rode back via the Yaak (98 miles) on Sunday. 

“I manned an aid station at the 30-mile marker on the FDR road on Saturday, and it was so much fun to listen to these amazing dedicated bikers marvel at the scenic beauty of Lake Koocanusa and all of the scenery along the way,” Shanda Jennings said.

Nineteen men and eight women completed the course. 

Armand, 64, and Karen, 66, Gonsoulin came from Austin, Texas, to bike the Beauty of Montana. 

The couple couldn’t say enough about how beautiful the area is and what an amazing route that John Weyhrich planned for this event. 

Dan Savage, 53, of Fernie, British Columbia, Canada, said “it was the best ride I have ever been on, and next year I am  bringing a whole group of my biking buddies.”

Numerous cyclists came from Missoula; others from Helena, Moscow, Idaho,, Crownpoint, Minn., Conway, S.C.,, Flagstaff Ariz., and Edmonds, Wash.

Leif Bjelland, 43, of Missoula, took a spill on Sunday and suffered some road rash and still said that he had the best time on the Gran Fondo ride. 

In Libby, the Gran Fondo raised money for Koats for Kids, the group Pam Peppenger and the Kiwanis annually sponsor.

Peppenger stopped for a photograph with Weyhrich with Bruce and Tracy Drury.

Also benefiting is the Backpack Program, which provides meals to children in need during the summer months. 

This is another great opportunity for Libby to shine and welcome these bike groups who are loving our local beauty while raising money for local programs.

“We would like to build this event up and show these folks what an amazing beautiful place we have here,” Jennings said.