Saturday, March 15, 2025

Board rehires coaches, teachers to get pay raise

by Sandra Faye Douthit - Reporter
| January 19, 2012 12:45 PM

Troy School Board members decided Monday to rehire many of the winter-sports coaches, and teachers will see an increase in their base-pay salaries this year.

The board voted in favor of rehiring Rich McElmurry as athletic director; Jim Dasios will remain as the head-football coach, and Sandy Beal as head-volleyball coach for the 2012 –’13 school year. The Troy High School will also gain Brendan Miller as the head, girls-softball coach. 

Troy teachers and the School District have negotiated an agreement, ratifying the Gear-Up grant agreement, which the district has made with the state Gear-Up organization.

This agreement raised teacher base pay to $27,050 for the 2011-’12 school year. 

High School Principal Jacob Francom will continue to put his staff through practice for emergencies at the school, conducting teacher evaluations. Also, a landscape-design program for the front of the school is being created.

Morrison Elementary has adopted the Montana Behavior Initiative Program to help improve student behavior. Anita Winslow’s class was the first to earn 100 “Mustang Coins” which entitles them to a party for their accomplishment.

When Superintendent Dan Wendt was hired, he was asked to gather facts and research the possibility of reducing the regular school week to just four days.

“We are in the early, early stages of this discussion to change to a four-day week.” Wendt said. “This will not happen next year for sure. I have been asked to look in to it — this is definitely a long process and requires a lot of research.”

The Board accepted the resignation of Ralph Stever as the Century 21 Grant Director and hired Maggie Anderson to take his place.