Saturday, March 15, 2025

Craig Rowan

by Photo Sarah Barrick
| January 17, 2012 3:05 PM

Here is a picture of Craig Rowan, who was named the STATE winner of the VFW's National Citizenship Education Teacher award yesterday at a short assembly.Ê The men presenting the award are local, regional, and State leaders (sorry I don't know their names).Ê I nominated Craig for the award in early October, he won the local contest and was awarded $50 on Veteran's Day.Ê Today, they announced that he won the state contest and was awarded $100 and a plaque.Ê He will be entered into the national contest now.Ê I don't know when those results will be announced.Ê I lightened up the pic (because it was in the gym) but it hasn't been edited otherwise.Ê Hope youÊcan use it!